First of all, HAPPY OCTOBER! Fall is my absolute favorite. I was told to wait until October 1st to put out my pumpkins and other festive decor. 1. I can't believe I actually abided by that. 2. You can believe that stuff was put outside as soon as I woke up this morning!
I've seen several pins on Pinterest for framed bathroom mirrors that I've been wanting to recreate. While picking up baseboards at Home Depot, I just added a 16 foot piece of moulding to my cart. I just got the least expensive one at .68 a foot. If you want to get your board even cheaper, measure your mirror first. ;) I didn't end up using the whole thing but paid around $10 for it. The way I see it, I paid $10 for a new mirror. :)
While my cousin was here generously cutting the baseboards with his fancy machine, I measured the mirror and had him make four cuts. 2 for the sides, 2 for the top and bottom. All 45 degree angles. Since they are thin, you could easily cut them with a handsaw and miter box.
Look, Woody is posing for you. I told him to get out of here but he didn't listen.
Miraculously, I still have paint left from doing the armoire, all the kitchen cabinets, AND the bathroom vanities. ONE GALLON of Behr Espresso Beans, Paint and Primer in One (~$27.00 at Home Depot) allowed me to do all these projects. Score! I put 2 coats of paint on the boards:
All painted. I took them in the house to see how they'd fit on the mirror and realized I needed to paint half of the backside too since you could see it in the reflection. : |
I picked this caulking up at Home Depot as well:
Squiggle the caulking on like so. Try to avoid the brown area (part that shows). On one of the sides, I got a little close and the caulking squeezed out a little further than I wanted. It's only slightly visible. D'OH.
Stick 'em on and make sure they all line up!
By the way, I'm really growing fond of the fact that my house has no doors. It's actually feels so much more roomy! I am not a private person, so it kind of works out. Sorry Scotty! If I don't get around to painting and hanging them all, I'll at least do the bathroom doors before the housewarming. ;)
Hooray! My mirror is all jazzed up now! Oh look, you can kind of see my creepy prints of animals wearing assorted hats. I just love those. What am I going to put on that blank wall? Help!
I really would have preferred to use thicker moulding for this but since the mirror was already so small, I didn't want to decrease the size of it even more. I may end up trying to do a chunkier frame in my master bathroom vanity area. I also really like the way white frames look but I wanted it to match the color of the cabinets. This will just have to work.
Go frame something!
PS: I did this today because I'm avoiding the painting of door trim...
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