This isn't even creative. I just really wanted all my spice jars to be uniform. I had this old spice rack that was always hidden away with most of the spices unused. I maybe kept one of them in my actual spice cupboard for regular use and that was the one that I dumped out and put my own spice in! This is why I don't like those generic spice rack sets. They don't fit the needs of each individual kitchen. Unused product is wasted product. I really hate wasting things.
I am striving for complete organization in the new place. This may seem like such a simple and silly thing to post about but that's what this blog is for, to share my projects with those few people who really love me and care about my life. ;)
Like I mentioned in a previous post, I went to Office Max to look for labels. I really had my eye on these Kraft Brown labels by Avery:
But then I saw the price on them and just couldn't bring myself to pay $14.99. SURELY I could figure something else out.
I stripped the yucky old stickers off the lids of the spice jars and cleaned them all out. Look at all these fresh jars! (I LOVE jars). To buy these basic little guys new in the store would be .99 each. I love having stuff on hand. (Saved me $16 dollars, wooooo!)
What to do with them? I have a silver Sharpie and a white oil-based paint Sharpie and I thought about just writing on the lid and sticking them all in a drawer like this:
BUT I still really wanted to display them in the cupboard. I just think spices are so pretty!
I decided to just print out my own labels on regular paper using American Typewriter font and cut them out with a sort of a raw edge. I love the way the raw edge looks with this font. Kind of rustic, no? I then used decoupage (Mod Podge) to glue those little guys to the jar and then put another thin layer over to seal them. They are so simple but I'm happy with the way they turned out. Now they're all the same! Hooray!
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